A returnee migrant worker lives a better life working as mason

A returnee migrant worker lives a better life working as mason

Many Nepali youths aspire to find better job opportunities abroad, but often their dreams are shattered, leading to distress upon their return.  Agra Bhadur Bohara, 37, from Lalu, Naraharinath Rural Municipality -9 in Kalikot district, is one such migrant worker who faced this reality.

After quitting school following 8th grade, Agra worked on his family’s, yielding enough grain for consumption but insufficient for cash. In 2014, he worked in a harsh Malaysian furniture factory for two years, falling ill and spending his earning on medical treatment. Returning home in 2016, with no funds, he spends around NPR 200,000 on medical expenses.

Back in village, Agra used skills gained in Malaysia to open furniture shop. HELVETAS Nepal initiated the Ranirada drinking water supply scheme in 2020, in which he became secretary to use committee and took part in its construction, with VMW training. Subsequently, he participated in 15days mason training, significantly boosting his confidence and skills. As a local “Mistry” mason, he contributed nine water supply schemes, earning around NPR 500,000 since 2020       Agra’s monthly earning now come from his furniture, agriculture businesses, and masonry work, totaling about NPRS 30,000 content in his village with his family, he believes domestic work is superior to his bitter foreign experience. He is ready for upcoming schemes by HELVETAS Nepal in 2023, aiming for more consistent Mistry work, potentially earning up to NPRS 40,000 per month. this is crucial as his soon requires expensive medical treatment.