Location: 3 VDCs (Manma, Bharta and Sukatiya) of Kalikot | ||
Grant by/Donors: LIVE-P/ HELVETAS | ||
Value of contract NRs: NRs 51,64,652.66 Value of contract USD: | Beneficiaries: 421 households | |
Name of Associated Partners: None | Employment/Service Staffs: 4 | |
Project Duration: 2 years and 6 months | Start Date: July 2008 | Completion Date: December 2010 |
Narrative Description of Project: | ||
Objectives of the Project: The objective of the project was to focus on group mobilization, construction of micro infrastructure (pond and canal irrigation, drinking water), income generation activities (agriculture and NTFPs) etc. | ||
Major Achievement: Mobilized 17 Community group Baseline survey, groups formation, monthly meeting and saving of the groupsCapacity development of community based organization through different social mobilization efforts in the program area. Conducted Agriculture and Income Generation activities Seed Production, seasonal and off seasonal vegetables cultivation.High Value crops cultivation (Ginger, turmeric, Potato and Garlic etc.)Increasing production and productivity of agricultural commodities.Training on legume integration and compost manuring.Input support (seed, EM, foundation seed)Cooperative promotion and management Supported Fruit cultivation Horticulture (Training on cultivation of fruit trees)Sapling support (apple, sweet orange and lemon) Promoted NTFPs (Timur, Sugandhawal, Kurilo, Okhar) Promotion of leasehold cultivation of NTFPsTraining on sustainable harvesting of NTPs and improved fodder plantsSupport for multipurpose nursery Supported Micro Infrastructures Construction of drinking water schemes, irrigation pond and canalSeed collection centerImproved land terracing farming |