Local Infrastructure for Livelihood Improvement (LILI)/HELVETAS : 2008-14

Local Infrastructure for Livelihood Improvement (LILI)/HELVETAS : 2008-14
 Location: Kalikot (Sukatiya, Gela, Kumalgau, Odanaku, Rachuli)
Grant by/Donors: LILI/ HELVETAS Swiss inter-cooperation
Value of contract NRs: 9,290,860.00 Value of contract USD:Beneficiaries: 16,798 farmers
Name of Associated Partners: NoneEmployment/Service Staffs:  8
 Project Duration:  6 years and 4 monthsStart Date: Aug 2008-Completion Date: December 2014
Narrative Description of Project:  The project was intended to improve livelihood, food security and income generation through modern agriculture farming system of poor community, disadvantaged group and women through development of infrastructures like irrigation canal and irrigation pond of plastic. The project targeted to the community in small scale irrigation scheme
Objectives of the Project: The specific objectives of the project wereTo construct of irrigation ponds and canalsDemand compilation and prioritizationTo conduct socio-economic and technical survey and evaluationCommunity base social mobilizationTo facilitate technical trainings facilitation (pre-construction and post construction) for community in project scheme.
Major Achievement: VDCs level periodic plan prepared through the participation of VDC’s political parties, wards levels representatives, line agencies, NGOs and INGOs.Detail survey/feasibility study, design, cost estimation and evaluation (Established Linkage to Agricultural Service Providers)Public hearing, user committee formed & community agreement.Master Plan preparation about Water use in VDC level with participation of Local political parties, teachers, line agencies and development sectors. Settlements level orientation for group’s formation.Need assessment from the Groups as a supporter for Vegetable farming,Local materials collection and preparation of construction. Supply of non-local materialProject construction, monitoring and public review.