Location: Kalikot (Khadachakra, Suvkalika, Naraharinath, Raskot) | ||
Grant by/Donors: WARM P/ HELVETAS Nepal, Swiss Inter cooperation | ||
Value of contract NRs: 9,21,00,000 | Beneficiaries: 5407 HHs and 27063 individuals | |
Name of Associated Partners: None | Employment/Service Staffs: 10 | |
Project Duration: | Start Date: 2068 | Completion Date: Till Now |
Narrative Description of Project: Major activities: Promotion of kitchen gardening (nutrious foods and vegetable promotion)Total sanitation campaign on (5+1) indicatorsCapacity building training to water user on nutritious foods, benefits, WASH and maintenanceImplementation of Hygiene Literacy class (HLC) Implementation of MUS schemes Home garden management | ||
Objectives of the Project: To increase the rural marginalized community access towards the safe drinking waterTo capacitate the local people on water resource planning formulation and implementation strategy for sustainable use and safe drinkingTo replicate the best practices of water resource management for other stakeholders | ||
Major Achievement: Rural communities have access to safe drinking water and maintain their systemsRural people apply sanitary practices in their daily livesWater Use Master Plans are prepared at village level assigning rights and opportunities for each water source in the villageExcess water is used for kitchen gardening and, in over-designed systems, for semi- commercial vegetable productionSuccessful piloting of innovations for rainwater collection, calcium removal and arsenic mitigation which have subsequently been incorporated in the program policyGot access to 5407 households for drinking water through 68 drinking water schemes.Total sanitation declared area after fulfillment of 5+1 indicators scheme level:10 scheme2 wards are declared as total sanitation62 people got mason and VMW trainingDrinking water facilities provided to 35 school benefiting about 42043 StudentsHygiene prevention and control program though FM.WASH services management local level.Water user committee established operation and maintenance fund.4 water user management committee are registered at Suvakalika municipality |