Community Based Red Panda Conservation in Western Nepal/Red Panda Network

Community Based Red Panda Conservation in Western Nepal/Red Panda Network
 Location: Kalikot (Mahawai Tilagufa and suvkalika RM)
Grant by/Donors: Red Panda Network
Value of contract NRs: 78,82,181.00Beneficiaries: 4125 population
Name of Associated Partners: NoneEmployment/Service Staffs: 8
 Project Duration:  5 yearsStart Date: 1st January 2018Completion Date: Dec 2025
Narrative Description of Project:
Objectives of the Project: The objective of the project is to provide support for Red panda conservation and livelihood of community.
Major Achievement: Identified 2 potential corridors among 5.3 hectares of degraded area was fenced and planted with 3,000 native species.Restored 2 water sources within Lekh DahaInstitutionalize by Indorsed red panda conservation issues in 5 OP of working CFUGsCFUGs Network (N-1) was formed.ICS distributed to 17 HHs to reduce the pressure on forest deforestation along with promote the good healthInstalled 7 Information boards for mass visible of project2 eco-clubs with 541 students sensitized while outreached to about 4180 within 4 CFUGs.Potential suitable habitat for red panda in Kalikot is 711 sq.KM.There are currently 6 Forest guardians (2 female) for monitoring in 4 Community Forest.Ownership build up Community level in conservationPrioritize in RM Annual Policy and ProgramMobilize local in regular monitoring and anti-poaching activity