Adapting to Climate-Induced Threats to Food Production and Food Security in the  Karnali region of Nepal (CAFS) program/UN WFP/Nepal government : 2019-22

Adapting to Climate-Induced Threats to Food Production and Food Security in the  Karnali region of Nepal (CAFS) program/UN WFP/Nepal government : 2019-22
 Location: Kalikot (Palata and Pachlajharana Rural Municipality)
Grant by/Donors: UN WFP/ Adaption fund/ Nepal government
Value of contract NRs: 178,063,277.5 Beneficiaries: 5023 HHs (UCs-12, WEGs-25, O&M committee-7)
Name of Associated Partners: NoneEmployment/Service Staffs: 23
 Project Duration:  3 years and 6 monthsStart Date: February 2019Completion Date: October, 2022
Narrative Description of Project: The program is integrated into different component like livelihood, enterprise and infrastructure building.
Objectives of the Project: The project aims to adapt climate induced threats for food production and security. The deliverable results of this project are as follows: Strengthened local capacity to identify climate risks and design adaptive strategies.Diversified livelihoods and strengthened food security for climate vulnerable poor in target areas.Increased resilience of natural systems that support livelihoods to climate change induced stressesToT for Lead farmer on farmer field school, in collaboration with AKC and NARC Support farmers for climate resilient agricultural practices, Post-harvest management Kitchen gardening skills, Market linkage and support to roll out business plan of entrepreneurs 
Major Achievement: 35 different type (irrigation canals, storage house, nurseries, seed bank and service centers etc.) of climate resilient FFA completed83% of target population aware of predicted climate change impacts; and of appropriate response (Total 5023 HHs)39% of women within target population aware of predicted impacts (Total woman: 1287)62.24.68% of target households (3096 HHs) with stable and climate resilient sources of income (Reached total HHs: 1927)– 60%86.61% of women engaged in new income generating ventures (Total woman reached: 1669) – 50% of new incomeNatural assets maintained and improved achieved 67%– at least 50% of target HHsLocal Adaptation Plan of Action (LAPA) has been prepared and endorsed by the local government at municipal level for the first time at Palata and Pachaljharana rural municipalities.1272 HHs received short term employment opportunity at both RMsTotal 83.70% (18838 alive and 22505 planted) saplings of different species (Bakaino, Eucalyptus, Epil-epil, Khote Sallo, Dhupi Sallo, Payeu, Churi, Masala, Kiwi and Citrus) have been established at the plantation site of Pachaljharana and Palata rural municipalitiesTotal 501 cattle of 88 HHs were carried out insurance in Sikhar insurance company with support of CAFS-Karnali project. It will support to the vulnerable households to protect their cattle from any kinds of natural disaster (3 HHs received the compensation from insurance company)IGA and more stable livelihood diversity option created to 2526 HH through Potato, Onion, Garlic, Ginger, Chilly, Sea buckthorn enterprise, Solar dryer and Food processing support, Onion processing enterprise and Kitchen garden.2 agro nurseries have been established at both RMs for produce the seedling of vegetable and support to the vulnerable HHs for food diversityTotal 27 user groups have been trained to build climate resilient infrastructures, 19 L/CFUGs have been trained and 7 L/CFUGs operational plan has been renewed.21 Women lead entrepreneurs group formed and trained on business plan and Empowered female via different interventions supporting them in financial access, sustainability of the interventions as they have been continuing/scaling up those enterprises.20 persons with disabilities have been trained and starting their own enterprise on handicraft (Hojiyari)