

The Human Rights and Environment Development Centre (HuRENDEC) is a prominent non-profit organization based in Kalikot district, Nepal, registered with the District Administration Office, Kalikot (Regd No: 31/053/54, 2053/04/16) and affiliated with the Social Welfare Council (SWC) under No: 4802 (2053/06/21). Since its establishment in 1996 (2053), the organization has been actively working in a variety of need-based, action-oriented sectors through social mobilization, with a particular focus on human rights, lobbying, and advocacy for women, children, and marginalized groups. HuRENDEC has also been involved in thematic areas such as sustainable livelihoods, natural resource management, climate change and disaster management, enterprise development, tourism, education, health and sanitation campaigns.


  • Enhance quality and modern infrastructure, increasing productive and dignified employment.
  • Build a ground work of prosperity while reducing poverty and achieving high sustainable in inclusive economic growth
  • Supporting to maintain quality health and education, healthy and balanced environment, social justice and accountable public service.
  • Assisting in strengthening of the federal governance system, making citizens feel advanced and dignified living.
  • Protecting society’s self-respect, freedom and citizens interest by supporting socio-economic transformation and building an independent national economy.

Thematic Areas

  • Good Governance, Social and Economic Empowerment
  • Food Security and Environmental / Sustainable Development
  • Physical Infrastructure and Disaster Management, climate change
  • Education, Water, Health and Sanitation
  • Enterprises, Tourism and Cultural Development

Historic Success

HuRENDEC has just stepped for awareness campaign and some of the activities of livelihood in initial phase. As the time passes, it took a rhythm of new ideas as well as burning issues. Over the years, HuRENDEC has been successful in developing and transforming itself to a professional organization that is able to carry out development projects independent of any political, religious or racial considerations and in striving for sustainable results enriching equitable benefits to its target groups. HuRENDEC has successfully implemented more than 30 projects, multiple professionals with diverse background and their support is crucial to complete all program and projects.


HuRENDEC has served to 205,980 disadvantaged, marginalized, underprivileged people from 28,305 households of Karnali Region. HuRENDEC has supported 29,750 women and men (from below poverty line and marginal subsistence households) in improving their life standards through agro-based micro enterprise development activities. 2,975 vulnerable children are re/enrolled to school for formal education and mobilized in awareness raising activities formulating child clubs.


HuRENDEC has strong linkage and collaborations with local government, government line agencies, other NGOs and private sector organizations at local, province and national level. HuRENDEC is associated with various networks and associations which are important for institutional linkages, exchange of information and knowledge like NGO Federation, Collective Campaign for Peace (COCAP), Human Rights Alliance, District Water Sanitation and Hygiene Coordination Committee and District Disaster Management Committee. The organization has partnership with several development partners like UNDP, HELVETAS Swiss Inter-cooperation Nepal, EU, terre des homes Germany, BMZ Germany, TDH Netherland, World Bank/ PAF, Simenpuu Foundation Finland, DFID/RDIF, UN WFP, Plan International Nepal and Mercy Corps.