Sustainable Livelihood and Biodiversity Conservation in remote mountain villages in the Himalayas (SuLABH)/BMZ/TDH Germany : 2020-23

Sustainable Livelihood and Biodiversity Conservation in remote mountain villages in the Himalayas (SuLABH)/BMZ/TDH Germany : 2020-23
 Location: Kalikot (Suv Kalika RM), Mugu (Soru RM) and Humla (Adanchuli)
Grant by/Donors: BMZ/TDH Germany
Value of contract NRs: 7,61,21,035.32Beneficiaries: Direct target group = 7500 and Indirect target group 25,000, Direct beneficiaries are 3750 male and 3750 female including 1000 children, 1000 youth and 500 farmers, 45 CBOs (9 Cooperatives, 9 Women Groups, 9 Youth Clubs, 9 Child Clubs and 9 Agriculture Groups)
Name of Associated Partners: RPUDP Humla and MCDC MuguEmployment/Service Staffs: 14 (Officer-6 and Non-Officer-8)
 Project Duration:  3 yearsStart Date: May 2020  Completion Date: April 2023
Narrative Description of Project: Sustainable livelihood and biodiversity conservation in remote mountain villages in the Himalayas is a three years’ project funded by TDH/BMZ Germany for Karnali province of Nepal. In the project area around 90% of the total population is poor who work in agricultural land for subsistence. However, agricultural production is not very efficient due to increasing weather extremes and obsolete farming methods (cultivation of less resistant species and old tools).  The project is designed to contribute to uplift the socio-economic status of the people in the target geographical area. The project focuses its activities in three districts (Kalikot, Mugu and Humla of Karnali Province of Nepal. The province is the poorest and the most remote region of Nepal and is characterized in terms of physical infrastructure viz; road network, hospital, water supply system, irrigation and hydropower etc. Major activities: Training on empowerment, leadership and economic developmentPromotion of green vegetables production and changing food habits and behavior of groupEncourage to saving credit and mobilization the find for economic developmentAwareness campaign on women and child rights and strengthen through various activities.Champaign on nutritious foods, preparation food consumption plan
Objectives of the Project: The objectives of the project is to strengthened the livelihood and conserve biodiversity of the three local rural municipalities/communities of Karnali Province (Humla, Mugu and Kalikot) through the sustainable use of natural resources and active self-help structures.
Major Achievement: About 2245 households have improved livelihood and farmers and started earning extra income of NPR. 6000 to 10000 per month from the project supported initiatives like high value crops, beekeeping, greenhouses. 45 Community structures (CBOs- 9 Cooperatives, 9 Agriculture Groups, 9 Women Groups, 9 Youth Clubs and 9 Child Clubs) have established and developed the ability and contributed for the environment, biodiversity conservation, social justice and economic (livelihood) development.A total of 60 events (World Environment Day, International Youth Day, National Children Day, International Women’s Day, Global Action Month, High profile actions on environmental rights and International Child rights Day in each 3 Rural Municipalities of the project areas.A total of 37.58 ha. of land is being irrigated by the 3 water tanks in the project community benefitting 606 householdsAbout 499 households has applied the modern farming techniques on high value crops like garlic, turmeric, potato, ginger, legumes etc.  A total of 185 small farmer families has been supported with greenhouses3 nurseries, 3 multifunctional center have been established based on the climatic condition topography and geological structure recommended through the resource mapping in 3 districts