Building Hope Along with Karnali River Basin (BHAKARI) Mercy Corps/USAID : 2020-23

Building Hope Along with Karnali River Basin (BHAKARI)                                                         Mercy Corps/USAID : 2020-23
 Location: Kalikot (Suvakalika, Mahawai Narharinath, Tilagufa, and Khadachakra Municipality)
Grant by/Donors: Mercy corps/ USAID
Value of contract NRs: 9,25,47,057.00 Beneficiaries: 3,302 HHs and 18207 pop. from  marginalized, vulnerable community and WUGs, CFUGs.
Name of Associated Partners: NoneEmployment/Service Staffs: 24
Project Duration: 3 years and 8 monthsStart Date: 1st November 2020Completion Date: 31st  July 2023
Narrative Description of Project: Building Hope Along Karnali River Basin (BHAKARI) project is being implemented by HuRENDEC Kalikot in partnership with Mercy Corps Nepal in 5 municipalities of Kalikot district. The project aims to enhance food and nutrition security, reduce future humanitarian caseload, and improve the resilience of communities to recurrent shocks in Kalikot district in the Karnali River Basin area. Major activities Integrated Community Assessment Action Plan (ICAAP) preparation and documentation, group formation Farmer support program.Provide value voucher card to vulnerable and marginalized group member.Market assessment with stakeholdersFormation of Farmer Group
Objectives of the Project: The project aims to enhance food and nutrition security, reduce future humanitarian caseload, and improve the resilience of communities to recurrent shocks in Kalikot district in the Karnali River Basin area. The expected results of the project are as follows: Availability of Nutritious food; increased income, increased agriculture production, change in KAP- Knowledge, Attitude and PracticeAvailable of reliable; improved water system, improve watersheds and improve landscapeStrengthened disaster management capacity; increased information anticipatory shocks; VHH engage in disaster planning process)GESI as social capital at HH level
Major Achievement: 6 IPM learning centers have been completed at five Palika of Kalikot district.20 an improved goat sheds have been supported and Multipurpose nurseries have been established.8 Water schemes have been completed at the working areas.1 Corer and 20 Lakh leverages has been received from government and non-government stakeholders. District level Disaster Preparedness Response Plan (DPRP) prepared. Support to prepare 5 Palika Emergency Fund Mobilization Guideline (SoP) and update the Local Disaster Management Committee (LDMC) of five Palika.Formation and strengthening the Task Force of Palika and community level.SBCC/IEC materials related to DRR prepared, disseminated to community and local government.52 Integrated Community Assessment and Action Plan (ICAAP) prepared and disseminated to community. Developed the communication channel and disseminated to local government and community. Supported to establish LEOC/DEOC at all working Palika and District level. 230 persons enhanced upon CADRE training2 CFUGs annual plan have been prepared979 HHs got Value Voucher (VV) and 103 HHs direct benefited by the Cash for Work (CfW)