Lead and Decide Project/Plan International Nepal : 2019-23

Lead and Decide Project/Plan International Nepal  : 2019-23
 Location: Kalikot (Sanni Tribeni RM, Raskot M.and Naraharinath RM)
Grant by/Donors: Plan International Nepal
Value of contract NRs: 1,81,41,245 Beneficiaries: 4949 Girls youth
Name of Associated Partners: NoneEmployment/Service Staffs: 4
 Project Duration: 5 years and 5 monthsStart Date: 1st July 2019Completion Date: June 2023
Narrative Description of Project:
Objectives of the Project: The objective of the project is to empower and enhance skill, knowledge and capacity of youth especially girls.
Major Achievement: 2000 Girls were supported and empowered activitiesLevel of awareness is increased on SRHR and CEFM among CoC participants, CoC management committee, girls, adolescents, parents and community people (CoC participants standing in front position at school level extra-curricular activities/ actively participating in discussion in various forum at community level)Child marriage cases are minimized through the initiation of CoC participants Capacity enhancement of youth/adolescents/parents/CSOs on SRHR/CEFM/SBCC and SCYP. (Male-2024 and Female-2925, Total-4949)Initiative action by CoC participants against girls trafficking (rescued 4 girls of Raskot municipality)Endorsement of youth participation guideline from local government through our regular effort by lobby meeting, workshops, coordination and communicationAwareness is raised for decision making of girls, adolescents and young women on SRHR and families, community, CSO also showing their solidarity on it.Adolescents and youths are capacitated and abled to demand stigma free SRHR services after our intervention. (adolescent’s girls-118, boys-92; total-210 received SRHR service from health post; source-respective health post of program area)Mass awareness created on CEFM, SRHR, harmful and discriminatory social norms by radio program (Paribartan ka Sambahak) 27 episodes paribartan ka sambhak .mp3Leaders of local government showing their commitment and solidarity for coordination and cooperation in the program campaigning.Strong coordination with local government during the implementation of the program